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In the Microbiological Sciences department, we have three undergraduate student advisors. Click on their names for their phone numbers, emails, and office locations!


Headshot of Danielle Condry
Danielle Condry, 博士学位
Why do you enjoy advising? 

I enjoy advising because I get to know students differently than as students in my classes. I also have always secretly wanted to be a life coach.

Why do you think advising is important?

Advising is important because we don’t all have the knowledge to succeed on our own; advisers can help make sure your goals and dreams can become a reality efficiently.

Photo of Tom Gustad
Thomas Gustad
Why do you enjoy advising? 

I enjoy advising because it is a pleasure to develop a relationship with each advisee.

Why do you think advising is important? 

Advising is important in that it allows each advisee to know they have an advocate to help them achieve their academic goals.

Rachel Richman
Why do you enjoy advising?

I get the privilege to get to know our freshman Microbiology and Biotechnology majors as the Micr 189 Skills for Student Success instructor.  That course has been a great opportunity to connect with first-year students as they begin navigating their academic careers at NDSU.  It is a rewarding experience to follow students throughout their 4 years at NDSU to assist them as they choose their future jobs and professional schooling.

Why do you think advising is important?

Students making connections with faculty in their majors is important for a successful college experience. Meeting prior to fall and spring registration ensures that students are not missing any required courses allowing them to graduate within the planned time frame for that student.  Developing a positive relationship with an advisor allows that student to have someone that will be able to write reference letters for scholarships, graduate school/professional school applications, and serve as a reference for employment opportunities.  Advisors can provide valuable knowledge and information to their student advisees.  And, if we don’t know, we can figure out who does know!



Our department's advisors are here to answer any questions and want to see you succeed at NDSU! Here are some helpful resources to reference throughout your undergraduate experience.

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