
查利音乐学院的表演组织为所有新大学生提供高质量的音乐体验. 参加一个或多个校园表演团体, 一个学生的大学生涯可以大大提高和终身的友谊形成.

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Auditions take place the first week of classes. Please contact the appropriate instructor for audition information.

Music participation opportunities include:


Dr. Jeremy Brekke, jeremy.brekke@ie688.net.
TTh 3:30-4:45
MUSC 314

铜管乐队是乐虎电子器乐项目中不可或缺且充满活力的组成部分. The enhanced playing abilities, 在排练和演奏室内乐的过程中,培养学生的合作技能和音乐意识,使他们在大型合奏中更有效率, and as professional performers and educators. Many groups are in a brass quintet setting of two trumpets, horn, trombone, and tuba or bass trombone. 这些五重奏定期在校内外演出,并参加过地区比赛. Other ensembles include groups made up of like instruments, such as trumpet ensembles, trombone ensembles, horn quartets, or tuba quartets made up of two euphoniums and two tubas. 在每学期结束时,NDSU还将各种铜管五重奏组合成一个大型铜管合奏团

Dr. Charlette Moe, charlette.moe@ie688.net.
TTh 3:30-4:45
MUSC 116

Under the direction of Dr. Charlette Moe, 这个由55-65名成员组成的女高音/女低音合唱团不断地编排音乐,突出女性作曲家和专门为女性声音创作的音乐. This non-auditioned choir includes students from many different majors, rehearses Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:45-6:00 pm. For the 2013 Choral Music of the Americas Symposium, they premiered a new choral work by Imant Raminsh. Cantemus每年举办一次女性合唱节,她们的第一次亮相是在2014年北达科他州美国合唱总监会议上. 注册很简单,只需访问校园连接并注册MUSC 116即可. For more information, please contact charlette.moe@ie688.net.

Dr. Jo Ann Miller, jo.miller@ie688.net.
MWF 12:00-12:50, TTh 2:30-1:45
MUSC 306

NDSU音乐会合唱团有着杰出的传统,以最高的艺术水平表演杰出的合唱文学作品. Under Dr. Jo Ann Miller's direction, the choir has performed at state, regional and national music conferences, 包括七次中北美合唱指挥协会会议和在圣安东尼奥举行的全国合唱指挥协会会议, Texas. 合唱团定期与法戈-穆尔黑德交响乐团合作演出,每三年到海外巡演一次. Most recently, the choir visited Eastern and Central Europe in 2009, toured Croatia and Italy in 2012, and Iceland and Scotland in 2015. 合唱团在扎达尔举行的国际合唱比赛中获得第一名金奖, Croatia, during the 2012 tour.

Information and Auditions
Connor Challey, connor.challey@ie688.net.
MWF 4:00-5:45
MUSC 111
More Information

Ensemble Instructor Audition Required
Gold Star Bands
– Gold Star Marching Band
– University #
Wind Symphony
Sigurd Johnson
Sigurd Johnson
Warren Olfert

Dr. Michael Weber, m.weber@ie688.net.
MWF 1:00-1:50
MUSC 317

NDSU牧歌歌手是一个高度精选的合奏团,演奏文艺复兴时期到21世纪的室内乐. In addition to concert performances throughout the year, 一年一度的牧歌晚宴以文艺复兴狂欢的盛装演出为特色. Conducted by Dr. Michael Weber, the Madrigal Singers perform for numerous NDSU celebrations, 每年春天与NDSU音乐会合唱团一起巡演,也在整个地区单独巡演. 牧歌歌手被选为出现在2008年的北美和中美洲合唱总监大会.

Madrigal Singers
Dr. Kelly Burns, kelly.w.burns@ie688.net.
MWF 3:00-4:50
MUSC 319

NDSU歌剧院在节日音乐厅与管弦乐队一起演出全舞台和服装的歌剧和轻歌剧, 以及在贝克威斯独奏厅的钢琴伴奏的歌剧舞台和服装场景. 新国立大学歌剧节目以亨德尔的杰作拉开了2019-2020年新国立大学巴洛克节的序幕 Giulio Cesare in November, 2019. Other recent productions include Patience (Gilbert & Sullivan), L’enfant et les sortilèges (Ravel), The Impressario (Mozart), HMS Pinafore (Gilbert & Sullivan), A Midsummer Night's Dream (Britten), The Marriage of Figaro (Mozart), and Gianni Schicchi (Puccini). NDSU Opera has also presented baroque operas such as Dido and Aeneas (Purcell) and Venus and Adonis (John Blow) at the NDSU Baroque Festival.

Dr. Sigurd Johnson, sigurd.johnson@ie688.net.
TTh 3:30-4:45
MUSC 312

NDSU打击乐团由音乐专业和非音乐专业的学生组成, 包括查利音乐学院器乐乐团的成员以及来自校园各地的参与者. 该乐团由NDSU打击乐研究主任和运动乐队主任. Sigurd Johnson. 剧团每周排练两天——周二和周四的3:30-4:45. The ensemble performs concerts in both fall and spring semesters. Its repertoire is dynamic and varied, consisting of traditional as well as contemporary percussion literature.

Dr. Michael Weber, m.weber@ie688.net.
TTh 3:30-4:45
MUSC 117

The NDSU tenor/bass choir is non-auditioned, has singers from many campus majors, and rehearses each Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30-4:45 pm. For the 2013 Choral Music of the Americas Symposium, The Statesmen premiered a new choral work by Jorge Cozatl. 他们还代表北达科他州州立大学参加了2009年和2015年在俾斯麦举行的北达科他州音乐教育家协会大会, ND.To participate, visit Campus Connection to register for MUSC 117. For more information, please contact Dr. Michael Weber, Associate Director of Choral activities at m.weber@ie688.net.

Dr. Sigurd Johnson, sigurd.johnson@ie688.net.
MWF 3:00-3:50
MUSC 112

我们的音乐会乐队未经试镜,包括在校园里许多专业的学生. 大学乐队每学期演出两次,这是高中毕业后继续演奏乐器的好方法.

Dr. Charlette Moe, charlette.moe@ie688.net.
MWF 11:00-11:50
MUSC 215

The University Chamber Singers is an auditioned, 由35名新生和高年级成员组成的混合合唱团,他们代表了NDSU校园内不同的专业和学科. 合唱团最近在ND ACDA大会上演出,并在2014年4月的北方平原Kodály章荣誉合唱团节上演出. The ensemble performs two concerts each semester, and participates in the NDSU Madrigal Dinners each December. The University Chamber Singers (UCS) is conducted by Dr. Charlette Moe, Assistant Director of Choral activities.

这个试镜合唱团在周一,周三和周五的下午1:00-1:50排练. To schedule an audition, email charlette.moe@ie688.net

University Chamber Singers
Dr. Sigurd Johnson, sigurd.johnson@ie688.net.
T 6:30-8:00
MUSC 304

The University Symphony Orchestra rehearses and performs standard classical, traditional, contemporary orchestral and chamber music repertoire. 这个合奏团为成员们提供了在高水平和具有挑战性的水平上排练和表演管弦乐文学的机会.

强烈鼓励所有弦乐学生和*社区成员通过试镜选择在USO演奏 to participate in Both the USO AND the SCE.

Participation in University Symphony Orchestra is through audition for all instruments. Players seeking to play in the USO are required to audition at a generally higher level. 应该理解的是,不是所有试镜的人都能进入USO.

Click here for audition information
Dr. Sigurd Johnson, sigurd.johnson@ie688.net.
Th 6:30-8:00
MUSC 316

The String Chamber Ensemble (Strings Only) 重点发展技术技能和合奏,通过弦乐团的曲目. 这个合奏团的成员为弦乐演奏家提供了在合奏环境中排练和表演的机会,虽然仍然致力于追求卓越,但与USO相比,这种环境不那么艰苦,压力也更小.

强烈鼓励所有弦乐学生和*社区成员通过试镜选择在USO演奏 to participate in Both the USO AND the SCE.

Click here for audition information
Dr. Warren Olfert, warren.olfert@ie688.net.
MWF 12:15-1:50
MUSC 303

The Wind Symphony is our premiere concert band, with entrance through audition. 风交响乐团的学生每学期在两场正式音乐会中表演高要求的曲目. 他们通过巡回演出和会议演出在全国范围内演出.
Click here for audition information

Dr. Cassie Keogh, cassie.keogh@ie688.net.
MUSC 315

Woodwind groups are a vital part of the music curriculum at NDSU. Participation is open to students of any major at NDSU. 仪器每学期根据学生参与的组成而有所不同, but includes both mixed- and like-instrument ensembles. Permanent ensembles include flute choir, clarinet quartets and clarinet choir, saxophone quartets and saxophone choir, and woodwind quintets.

木管乐团每学期在木管室内乐和萨克斯管四重奏之夜演出, regularly perform outreach concerts throughout North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota, and participate in local, regional, and national chamber music competitions. For more information, please contact cassie.keogh@ie688.net.